Indian Field Beans Exporters

A field bean is a bean grown primarily for its ripe edible seeds. The Field Beans exporter in India exports tonnes of beans to various countries in the world. The Field Beans export from India has been increasing over the years probably due to the increasing global demand of the product. The Indian Field Beans exporter has a good opportunity to export his products abroad and earn good revenues. Therefore, Field Beans export can be said to be a growing business.


Nutrients Calories - 88 kcal
Dietary Fiber - 8 g
Total Carbohydrate - 18 g
Protein 25.21g
Vitamins Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin B-6
Minerals Calcium

Field Beans Varieties We Export

The Field Beans import from India includes Rongai, Koala, Pusa Early Prolific and several other varieties of Field Beans. This is a good opportunity for the Field Beans exporter in India to export products abroad and make a mark in the international marketplace. The export of Field Beans includes the following major varieties.


The Rongai variety is a late flowering variety with high dry matter production. This variety of Field Beans has white flowers and light brown seeds. It is the most common forage cultivar. The seed weighs around 5,000/kg. The Rongai variety of Field Beans grown in summer in Australia is a prolific and vigorously twining herbaceous annual or short-lived perennial.


The Koala is an early maturing grain type. The average yield of Koala is around 1.1t /ha to 2.8t/ha. The Kola variety is relatively insensitive to day length and usually reaches 50% flowering stage in around 50–70 days from a December planting in northern New South Wales.

Pusa Early Prolific

The Pusa Early Prolific is a variety of Field Beans. This variety bears early, medium-sized, thin and stringless pods in clusters. This variety is suitable for sowing both in the summer and the rainy season.

Pusa Sem-2

The pods of the Pusa Sem-2 variety are long, dark-green stringless and semi-round in shape. This variety is high yielding and tolerant of viruses and insect pod borer. June to July is a suitable time for its sowing in North–India. The flowers of this variety appear on separate spikes, above the plant canopy.


The IGFRI-S-2214-II is a quick growing and erect variety of Field beans. It possesses a medium twining habit. The pods of this variety are broad, flat, green, glabrous and fibrous. There are around 4-6 seeds per pod that greenish-brown and round in shape. The leafiness of this variety varied from 40–50%.


The IGFRI-S-2218-I variety is medium in growth rate and of decumbent habit. It possesses a good twining habit. The vines of this plant are medium-thick, pigmented and glabrous. There are around 3– 5 seeds per pod. The yield for this variety under dryland conditions ranges from 240– 260 q/ ha of green fodder from a single cut taken at full bloom stage.


The HA-3 variety is a photo-insensitive and determinate type with yields between 12-15 qs/ha. It can be cultivated throughout the year. It matures in around 4 months and has that characteristic fragrance on the pod surface for which it is preferred by the consumers. The green pods of this variety are used as vegetables either as tender pods or immature seeds.


The CO.1 plants are generally short, bushy and erect. The flowering starts from the 45th day after sowing and continues for around 90–100 days. The average number of flowers in each inflorescence ranges between 55–60 and about 50% of the flowers set pods. The green pods are consumed as a vegetable and can be harvested 10–12 days after flowering.

Konkan Bhushan

This is a high yielding genotype with pods. It has a greater pod yield (8.8–13.6 tonnes per hectare as against 5.0 to 9.3 tonnes per hectare) compared to other popular varieties. It is a bush type plant and matures in about 55–60 days after sowing.

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