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Indian Brinjal Exporters

India has been blessed with great climatic and soil conditions. Therefore, fruits anf vegetables thrive well in India. The business of Indian brinjal exporter has been growing since the past few years. India ranks around second in the world in the production of many vegetables including Brinjal. Brinjal export from India involves several processes including documentation, health and safety measures and so on. Many varieties are brinjals are involves in the brinjal import from India.


Nutrients Calories - 25 calories
Carbs - 5 grams
Fibre - 3 grams
Protein 1g
Vitamin Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6
Minerals Dietary Fiber

Brinjal Varieties We Export

The brinjal exporter in India exports several varieties of Brinjals including Pusa Purple Long, Pusa Kranti, Pusa Barsati so on and so forth. Here are some major varieties of Brinjals used in export of Brinjal from India.

Pusa Purple Long

The Pusa Purple Long variety of Brinjal is an early maturing and long fruited type variety. The brinjals are glossy and light purple in colour. The Pusa Purple long brinjals are generally 25-30 cm long. Also known to be smooth and tender, this crop is ready for picking in around 100 to 110 days.

Pusa Purple Cluster

The Pusa Purple Cluster is a cluster bearing type Brinjal variety developed at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. This variety is known to be high yielding and bacterial wilt resistant variety with medium long fruits. The fruit is dark purple and oblong and grows in clusters. First picking can be done around 60-65 days after transplanting.

Pusa Kranti

The Pusa Kranti variety of brinjals was released by IARI, New Delhi. This variety has a dwarf and spreading growth habit. The fruits of the Pusa Kranti variety are oblong and stocky than slender with attractive dark purple colour. This variety is good for both spring and autumn plantings in the North of India.

Pusa Barsati

The Pusa Barsati variety of brinjals was released by PAU, Ludhiana. This variety of brinjals is known to have a dwarf and erect growth habit devoid of thorns. The fruits of this variety are medium, long and purple in colour. The average yield of this variety is 35.5 t/ha.

Manjri Gota

The Manjiri Gota variety of Brinjals generally has a dwarf and spreading growth habit. The fruits of this variety are medium-large in size, round in shape and purple coloured with white stripes. Upon maturity, the brinjals of the Majiri Gota variety attain a golden yellow colour. The average yield of this variety is 15- 20 t/ha.

Arka Navneet

The Arka Navneet is a high yielding hybrid variety of Brinjals. The fruits of this variety vary from large oval to oblong in shape. The skin of this variety is deep purple shining and each fruit weighs around 450 g. The crop is ready for picking in about 150-160 days. The average yield of Arka Navneet is 65-70 t/ha.

Arka Sheel

The Arka Sheel Brinjals are medium-long in size with a deep shining purple skin. The Calyx is fleshy and green in colour. The plant has purple flowers with a solitary bearing habit. The crop is ready for picking generally in around 150-160 days. The average yield is about 38 t/ha.

Arka Kusmukar

The Arka Kusumukar variety of Brinjals was released by IIHR, Bangalore. The plant has a spreading habit with green stem & green leaves. The green small fruits of this plant are borne in a cluster. The fruits are known for a Soft texture with good cooking quality. The average yield for Arka Kusumukar is 40 t/ha.

Pusa Ankur

The Pusa Ankur brinjals are oval-round in shape and small-sized. The fruits are glossy and very attractive and weigh each around 60-80g. This variety of brinjals is an early bearing one. It is ready for first picking around 45 days after transplanting. These fruits do not lose colour or tenderness even on delayed picking.

Arka Nidhi

The Arka Nidhi is a high yielding variety of brinjals with resistance to bacterial wilt. This variety of brinjals are generally borne in a cluster. The Calyx is purplish-green in colour. The crop is ready for picking in around 150 days after transplanting. The average yield of this variety is 48 t/ha.

Arka Keshav

This variety was released by IIHR, Bangalore. This is a high yielding bacterial wilt resistant variety. The fruits of Arka Keshav are tender, free from bitter principles with seed maturity. The crop is generally ready for picking in around 150 days. The average yield of this variety is 45 t/ha.

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